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Become a Sponsor

Alta Heights Elementary School is turning 75!


For decades, this institution has been a shining beacon of educational excellence and a beloved place for generations of families and community members to enjoy. We are proud to carry on these traditions for years to come!


     To ensure the continued success of our school, we are raising $75,000 to support enrichment programs and create a brighter future for our young scholars. Funds will also be used to beautify our campus and expand outdoor educational spaces, culminating in a collaborative art project for Alta Heights families and neighbors to enjoy!


     Your contributions will provide our 315 students with access to hands-on, experiential learning. We continue to expand enrichment programming, offering weekly garden education classes, school-wide assemblies, traveling learning exhibits, and field trips. We fund classroom and curriculum supplies to directly benefit our teachers and students and ensure they have the resources needed to succeed, while promoting equitable educational opportunities.


     Help us celebrate our vibrant, diverse, and welcoming community. Your support will make all the difference in our mission to provide dynamic learning opportunities for Alta Heights students. 


     Become a sponsor today by clicking the donate link below or visiting our Sponsorship Portal! Together, we can keep the spirit of Alta Heights Elementary School thriving for another 75 years and beyond. Goooooooo, Gators!


Please contact Adrienne Boudreaux, FFC President, at with any questions. To make a pledge directly via cash or check, please complete this form: 75th Anniversary Sponsorship. Payments can be mailed to Alta Heights Elementary School,15 Montecito Blvd.; Napa, CA 94559. Alta Heights FFC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID: 68-0012852. All donors will receive email and/or written confirmation of their tax-deductible contributions.

Did you make a donation? Share it on your social and tag us!

#AltaHeights75 #EducationMatters #FundraisingForTheFuture

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© Copyright 2021 by

Alta Heights Family Faculty Club.

501(c)(3) Tax ID: 68-0012852


15 Montecito Boulevard

Napa, CA 94559

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